Practice Expectations


Practice Expectations:

  • Follow the Athletic Code. If you are found guilty of using alcohol or drugs you are done practicing and competing for the season. You will no longer be on team.
  • Work hard and give 100 percent at every practice and game. Be focused!
  • Be willing and eager to help out with all fundraising activities.
  • Be on time! If practice starts at 5:30am, then you need to make sure you are in the water at 5:30am. The pool will always be open ten minutes earlier.
  • Be at all practices and games. Players are excused from workouts only for illness or doctor's appointments. Signed notes are required ahead of time. However, please try and schedule appointments outside of practice and game times.
  • Voluntarily help younger/ inexperienced players and make a strong effort in getting to know your teammates.
  • Always respect and support all players, coaches, pool staff, and managers.
  • Bring a POSITIVE ATTITUDE with you to every game, practice and water polo event.
  • Set goals for yourself. Be prepared to share at least one goal with Coach Pic and Coach Hacker.
  • Have FUN!!!

If you are not following an expectation the following will happen:

  • 1st time - a reminder of the expectation
  • 2nd time- a scheduled meeting with Coach Pic that will include a creation of a plan so you can follow the expectation.
  • 3rd time - a meeting with Ms Vick, Coach Pic, and parents to discuss your future on the CHS Water Polo Team.

The following are specific consequences for being late, or missing a practice:

  • 1st tardy - warning
  • 2nd tardy - loss of game time
  • 3rd tardy benched one game and or until you create a written plan stating how you can get to practice everyday on time
  • 4th tardy - meeting with parents and possibly Ms Vick to discuss future on the CHS Water Polo Team.
  • 1st unexcused absence - loss of game time
  • 2nd unexcused absence - demoted to a lower team
  • 3rd unexcused absence - benched one game
  • 4th unexcused absence - meeting with parents and Mr. Jenks, possible termination from team.

Excused absences must be communicated to Coach Pic at least one day in advance or they will be counted as unexcused.

Click below to download a copy of the Practice Expectations:
Practice Expectations